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An Anti Cyber Bullying Club inspired channel!

This channel is to prevent suicide, and people cyber-bullying.

I've been Cyber Bullied on a website, I forget the name.

People need to stop bullying and give people the rest of their life to live correctly.

Have any of you heard of Amanda Todd? She commit suicide, leaving all of her life behind. The story of Amanda Todd is here:

Amanda Michelle Todd (November 27, 1996 – October 10, 2012)[3][4] committed suicide at the age of 15 at her home in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada. Prior to her death, Todd had posted a video on YouTube in which she used a series of flash cards to tell her experience of being blackmailed into exposing her breasts via webcam;[2] bullied; and physically assaulted. The video went viral after her death,[5] resulting in international media attention. The video has had more than 17 million views as of April 2014.[2] The Royal Canadian Mounted Police and British Columbia Coroners Service launched investigations into the suicide.

At the time of her death, Todd was a grade 10 student[6] at CABE Secondary in Coquitlam,[7] a school that caters to students who have experienced social and behavior issues in previous educational settings.[8]

In response to the death, Christy Clark, the Premier of British Columbia, made an online statement of condolence and suggested a national discussion on criminalizing cyberbullying.[9][10] Also, a motion was introduced in the Canadian House of Commons to propose a study of the scope of bullying in Canada, and for more funding and support for anti-bullying organizations. Todd's mother Carol established the Amanda Todd Trust, receiving donations to support anti-bullying awareness education and programs for young people with mental health problems. On September 7, 2012, Todd posted a 9-minute YouTube video entitled My Story: Struggling, bullying, suicide and self-harm, which showed her using a series of flash cards to tell of her experiences being bullied.[11] The video post went viral after her death on October 10, 2012, receiving over 1,600,000 views by October 13, 2012,[12] with news websites from around the world linking to it. During the video, Todd writes that when she was in grade 7 (2009-2010), around the same time she moved in with her father,[13] she used video chat to meet new people over the Internet and she received compliments on her looks.[11][14] A stranger convinced Todd to bare her breasts on camera, following one year of attempts at having her do so.[11][14] The individual later blackmailed her with threats of providing the topless photo to her friends unless she gave him a "show".[11][14][15]

Todd wrote that during the Christmas 2010 break, police informed her at 4:00 a.m. that the photo was circulating on the Internet.[11][14] She wrote that she experienced anxiety, depression, and panic disorder due to her experiences of being sexually exploited online and being cyber-bullied.[11][14] Her family moved to a new home, where Todd later stated that she began using drugs and alcohol.[11][14][15]

A year later, the individual reappeared, creating a Facebook profile which used the topless photograph as the profile image, and contacting classmates at her new school.[11][14] Again Todd was teased, eventually changing schools for a second time.[11][14] She wrote that she began chatting to "an old guy friend" who contacted her.[11][14] The friend invited Todd to his house, where they had sex while his girlfriend was on holiday.[11][14][16] The following week, the boy's girlfriend and a group of about 15 others confronted Todd at school, shouting insults, with the boy's girlfriend punching her;[11][14] Todd fell to the ground, then lay in a ditch where her father found her.[11][14] Following the attack, Todd attempted suicide by drinking bleach, but she survived after being rushed to hospital to have her stomach pumped.[11][14][15] "It killed me inside and I thought I was gonna actually die," Todd commented in her video about drinking bleach.[1][11][14].

Anyway, people need to stop bullying or everyone in the USA, or where-ever you live, will die. It is important to stop all this madness and move on with your life. It isn't fair.