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My Art Work/Creations

Hello Humans,

Here is where i'll be putting all of my signatures and customs along with some average creations of mine, this will be empty for awhile but it will soon fill up with a whole bunch of things. Also I might even hold a little contest in the near future. I hope you enjoy looking through my creations and who knows maybe i'll add some of YOUR artwork as well. If you wan't something created and added ask me I'll create it, the craziest thing I made was me riding a unicorn etc... yeah I am pretty good at photoshop and I use them allot when making customs and signatures so enjoy viewing my artwork.

(More art will be added throughout the given day.)

Art Contest
(Art Contest)

-Make a creations make it your own and send it to me when you're done.
-All creations must be sent in by 6/3/14
-Make sure your name is on it (lol)
-Make it unique
-Theme must connect with ME (as the virtually fake president) add something unique perhaps a tophat on a donkey.
-I'll pick 3 JUDGES (send me an application to judge) all judges get payed...
-All artwork will be judged.
-Winner will get 5-15 credits!

More Coming Soon, REMEMBER try to do the art contest :D
(Please send me some of your artwork to be displayed on here)