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Gaming Channel with Autumn88Blue

I will be talking and giving tip about games I play both on the internet and PS3.

Night 1- No body really moves and Bonnie visits maybe once, not even that and Chika moves very little, Foxy stays put and as does Freddy. (TIP: Check Foxy a lot to make him stay put.
Night 2- Bonnie will once again visit you at times and i believe Chika does once as well. Freddy and Foxy stay put once again.
Night 3- Bonnie will start coming quite a bit and so will Chika and Freddy will begin to slightly move and the curtains to Foxy will open and if you dont keep an eye on him he will leave.
Night 4- Bonnie becomes almost relentless and comes ALOT and Chika comes as much as Bonnie did the previous night. Freddy comes more and Foxy makes an appearance.
Night 5- Bonnie comes almost ridiculously and Chika comes as much as Bonnie did the previous night, Freddy comes about as much as Night 3 Bonnie, maybe a little less. And Foxy actually gets quite aggressive.

Grand Theft Auto 4-
To run, press X over and over. To shoot your gun slightly hold down the R2 button then when you want to shoot pull the hole R2 button down. To aim before your shoot hold down the L2 button. To steal a car hole the triangle button.