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Bob Hunter Industries

Bob Hunter Industries

Former Projects
Cyberbully Busters - An agency used to stop cyberbullying. 2013-2014
Bob Interviews - A talk show used for interviewing people. 2013
Penguin Council of Independence - An unofficial agency of OldCP. 2013-2014.
Bob Chat - A replacement talk show for Bob Interviews, had more than just interviews. 2013-2015
Le Vikings - A gang of penguins, later becoming a GOM team. 2013-2015
Penguins R Us - A bank where people would give their credits/gold to an employee for safe keeping. 2014

Current Projects
Snail Council of Independence - An unofficial agency of SnailsChat. 2015-present
Bob Randomness - A replacement talk show for Bob Chat, has even more cool additions. 2015-present