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Heyo! Bunny here! I want to have a story for you every day, I will try :D Here is chapter 1!
Chapter 1
What the!
Bang bang! Away knocked on the door to her little sister, Lily's room. "Get up! Your going to be late! I'M going to be late!"
"Coming :P" Lily moaned. She got up and looked in her dresser for something to wear.
"Hurry up" Away called as she ran down the wooden steps, down to the kitchen.
Away and Lily both were alone at home. They were supposed to be at their Grandpa's house by 11:00 am, But Lily slept in. "Come on!"
"Coming!" Lily ran down the steps two at a time and ran to the kitchen, grabbed Fruity Pebbles and ran outside.
"Where are you going!" Away said as she finished her oatmeal. Away followed her outside.
"Going to Grandpa's house! Remember?" Lily explained.
"Oh no!" Away said. "Let's go!" Away ran to the back of the house and got two bicycles.
Lily and Away hopped on their bikes and peddled as fast as they could to their Grandpas.
"Hello girls!" Their Grandpa said.
"Hi" They both answered.
"Ready to take care of four horses?" He asked.
"Of course!" They chorused.
"Great! Lily, You start will Rose and Louis, the two youngest! Away, you take care of Amber and Bamboo." He said.
Away and Lily raced to the stables, but noticed that the doors were open and the horses were all gone.
"What.." Away started.
"The!" Lily finished.
Away and Lily both looked at each other
What happened to the horses?
Will their Grandpa know what happened?
Will they find the horses? Or will they give up and let the horses die alone?
Find out in chapter #2!
Link coming...
Part 1!
Part 2 coming...