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Welcome to CNews. Updated every Wednesday.

Welcome to CNews, where you can find the latest on news and events.


The Wedding of Lady Cheep and High Priest Mico.

Cheep and Mico are getting married! They are having a private wedding.
It will be held on the 8th of July and will start at 3PM EST in the throne room, unless changed otherwise. All Wise Ones, Moth Priests, Admins, Moderators and Knights (only to guard) are all invited to come with the entry being free. Normal users who are interested in going must pay 50 gold for entry. Thrones will be locked during the event, so come on time.

Summer Game of Mods 2015
It's that time again when we get together to see who will become the next moderator. 2015 Summer Game of Mods is coming around the corner! There is the main event and the mini event. Days are as followed.

Main Event

Stage One
Friday 10th July
5PM EST and 10PM GMT+1 (UK)

Stage Two
Saturday 11th July
5PM EST and 10PM GMT+1

Stage Three
Sunday 12 July
5PM EST and 10PM GMT+1

Mini Event

Stage 1
Friday 10th July
4PM UK (GMT+1)

Stage 2
Saturday 11th July
4PM UK (GMT+1)

Stage 3
Sunday 12th July
4PM UK (GMT+1)

Moderator Teams
You are able to make a team to compete in for GoM! Grab a few buddies and band togeather a team that might make it to the finals! New teams will be decided on the day. You must have an outfit and a team leader.

Get hyped, as it's not too far away!
Good luck!

Black Hands > Blackhawks
There has been a discovery that the mysterious Blacks Hands turned out to be a thieving trick by Mickey. Told from The Stag to Hashir, It was all a trick and that there were no Squidward or Black Hands, it is actually Blackhawks! That's right, they're back, and Mickey isn't happy.

LeoRPG Updates!
Damen has updated us on the development of his latest game. There is a new game mode called "Medieval Survival", where you must kill the battle commanders. Sounds fun!

Current Promotions/Demontions
Allie - Promotion to Master.

Player of The Day
Congrats to Swirlie for getting Player of The Day!

That's all for this week.
Come back next week for more news!
Issue One 8th July 2015
- Choc