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Dedicated to Cheep and her inspiration and all the things she did for us.

Hey guys. If you read Cheep's latest mood, you can tell that she must leave DSGHQ for a very long time. And if she doesn't, she will never succeed in life.
Cheep is a very nice inspirational person. She was a detective, moderator, and Lady of the Bank. She is a person to look up to,
Cheep can tell right from wrong. There is no one as sincere as her about life and it's troubles.
Whenever I look at Cheep, I feel a spark. A spark of light to solutions of problems. There's something about her that makes me so happy. I don't know if it's her, or the happy cheep of a bird.
She's going to be back, but that not be until a very long time. Unfortunately, she MUST leave us.
We must understand that Cheep is a hardworking person that focuses on life's most important things. School, education, career, and lifestyle. If she doesn't, then she will fail at everything she does. But she does. And she succeeds.
We can't let Cheep think the way she does right now. Of course she'll succeed in life. Of course she'll make a good living. But that means we gotta help her all the way there.
She helped us, we need to help her.
Enthusiasm, inspiration, happiness, friends, and love, are important. Cheep is all of those things. She's actually more than that. She's a best friend to everyone.
Cheep is excited to know more about everyone, but that leads to its conclusion. That she must go, and explore the lights and parts of the joy of life. She is the sweetest person I've ever met.
It's obvious that we will miss her. But if this is the first time she ever thought of this. That she will never succeed in life. We must show our love for her. Then she'll discover the true parts of life.
Just for Cheep
Cheep, you inspired me and everyone to do so many things. To push ourselves to the limits. I must thank you for all the work you have done to make OldCP and Snaildom possible. I'm going to miss you and I'm sure that everyone else will too. But I know, that you will make the best choices for yourself and everyone else. Everyone loves you. You're a part of our lives that make us we are. Thank you for being there for me and everyone else. Please visit us again!

<3 Goodbye Cheep <3

Cheep, you are my forum mod buddy. We helped eachother everyday showing eachother that everyone believed and loved us. You have shown me love, inspiration, kindness, respect and many other beautiful qualities you have that I cannot name them all because there are so many. My point is that you are an amazing friend. You will always be there when im sad or mad. You make me glad! ( see what I did there? ;3 )
I wish you luck with your activites, just remember, we will never forget you. You have made a mark in our hearts. <3 ~ Little ~(^-^)~