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Do it for the puffle's.

Hey guys! Melanie here! I am doing a Club Penguin Game Show called 'Club Penguin Game Show' XD. Please apply by PMing me. Here are the contestants.







Cococola (Sorry if I spelled your name wrong)

We need at least 6 contestants. Please apply by PMing me. Thanks for reading! Bye!!

Day 1: "Hello. I am Melanie, your host! This is your first day here!" Said Melanie. "What are we exactly doing in this series?" asked smartypants. "Well, we are doing challenges! Whoever loses is out! But they can always come back for another season! So, today we are doing teams. But it is two on two!" said Melanie. Smartypants went with Colocola, afwv, Crowflying and Koca went with each-other. "So, in this challenge, we will be doing a race!" said Melanie. "Ready? Set? Go!!" said Melanie waving her flag. They all went running and running! Koca was the last person. Colocola laughed and still went faster. Koca was tricking them! She could go a lot faster! She ran as fast as she could. She pasted it before anyone! "Koca's team wins! But the other team is not out! That would not be fair!" yelled Melanie! Koca wins! She is safe from getting voted off! Please PM me voting which do you want to be voted off! See you later!!!

Voted off. Smartypants has one vote! Message me the one you want voted off!

Day 2: "Welcome back contestants! Do you remember your teams?" said Melanie. "Yes." they all said. "Well, get in your team!" said Melanie. Everyone went to their team. "Okay. So today we are doing climbing!" said Melanie. She pointed to a rock wall. The rock wall had a trampoline below it. "If you fall, you will not be safe from being voted off!" said Melanie. They started climbing the wall. Melanie looked to see if anyone was cheating. Just then, Koca started to fall. Koca fell. 1 person not safe. Then all the sudden, afwv fell. Everyone fell but one person. That one person was Sarah. "Sarah wins!" yelled Melanie. Sarah jumped off. Sarah is now safe from being voted off.

Voted off: None have been voted off yet. PM me who you want voted off!