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Hello guys! Welcome to the show!

We have some new people here they are:

xNikkix: Actress (Gets rewarded if good job)

Key123: Special effects guy (I need him for a magic show in one of the episodes he summons people XD and gets paid 3 gold a month)

Jayla:Actress (Gets rewarded if done good job)

Ninja Freehawk:Co-leader (Gets paid 5 a month)

Snoop:Understudy (Gets paid if there)

Lord Adawg: Idea maker (Making ideas for videos they get paid 3 gold a month)

Bashysmelly:Actor in the video (Gets rewarded if done good job)

PM me if you wanna have a higher rank but you need an application

Have you ever been in videos?
Do you have experience?
Will you obey my orders?
If I put you in charge what would you do?

Thats all the questions I will ask.