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Daily Wisdom With Foxehhhh!

Welcome to DWWF!

Lets first do an introduction to DWWF and its meaning.

DWWF is where we share our wisdom! We are going to have a channel for this and create a staff. Once we have formed at least 3 staff members, we will share quotes, and I mite pick there's. First off, DWWF stands for Daily Wisdom With Foxehhhh! So this is daily. You will see a post up every day about at 2 or 3 o'clock EST. I decided to make this because I want to share my wisdom with other users. For about the first 3 of these, I'll do wisdom from my profile. Now, who wants to start?

Me! Me! Me! Me!

Today's Wise Quote
"To be forgotten is worse than death."

Well, since our quote is "To be forgotten is worse than death.", I guess we can define it, correct? I think we can. So, lets start off with the quote. There can be a huge explanation if we think hard. But this quote meant if you were forgotten, it feels worse than death itself. That is pretty much the smaller explanation. What if we want to put it in a large explanation? Well, it is really hard to put this in the large explanation, so we are going to leave it like that, so I don't confuse you.

Wise Administrators-
Wise Moderators-
Wise Princess-
Wise Prince- Lloyd
Wise Empress- Foxehhhh
Wise Emperor-