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oldcp,Dice Talk

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Hey guys! This is Dice Talk... wait for it.... Come on.... Wait.... WORK MACHINE WORK! *gun shooting* ON THE CHANNEL!! If there is anything about the channels, like updates, check the channels. The Channels just came out yesterday. And if you would, if your a fan, subscribe to #OldDT. :)
More Notes:
Also, subscribe to #dailyoldcpnews, #BrocksDub, #EPF, #077agency, #TubaPARTYSnails, #Poems, and #TalkingClub. I will subscribe when I get the chance to those.
Last Notes:
Since the tutorial of forums is old, other people are doing it. Can it be, or is a new tutorial going to be added? O.o Stay tuned next time to see the proof.
Well, BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!