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Come all and join the Duck Dynasty of Oldcp

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Welcome to the Duck Dynasty of Oldcp. The Duck Dynasty is a group of people that have a love for ducks and for the ones that think they are worthy of being a Duck Dynasty. All members wear a either a Green duck or a Blue duck (Level 1 and 2). The Commander (Peggy the Ultimate Dynasty Duck) is the wearer of the Golden Duck (Owner : Dancebear). To join the Duck Dynasty, please contact Captain Dancebear for more information.

Commander of the Duck Dynasty : Peggy
Captain of the Duck Dynasty : Dancebear

Level 1 : The Trooper Ducks

The Trooper Ducks are the ones that just started in the Duck Dynasty. They are members of the group that listen to the Commander and the Captain and must obey at all times.

Rules for the Trooper Ducks :

- You must listen to the Captain/Commander at all times
- Respect all members of the Duck Dynasty
- Please be commited to the group
- You must wear your uniform at all meetings and events that the Duck Dynasty is participating in.

Level 2 : The Mighty Ducks

The Mighty Ducks are the most experienced Trooper Ducks. They are trained individually by the Captain and the Commander and they will be tested to see if they are ready to be a Mighty Duck. The Mighty Ducks are strong, powerful and the best of the Dynasty.

Rules for the Mighty Ducks :

- Be loyal to the Commander and Captain
- Be role models to the Troopers
- You must wear your uniform at all meeting and events that the Duck Dynasty is participating in.

Level 3 : The Commander/Captain of the Duck Dynasty

The Commander of the Duck Dynasty is the leader of the group. The Captain is the owner of the Commander and makes sure everything is under control and takes the leadership of the Duck Dynasty.

Example of events the Duck Dynasty will participate in :

- Gold Competitions
- Duck Dynasty Meetings *Mandatory*
- Moderator Competitions (To be determined if participated or not)
- Royal Sessions

Members of the Duck Dynasty of Oldcp :
