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Hey wanna cure boredom!! hit that subscribe button right FREAKING NOW BECAUSE BEING BORED IS BORING
things to do

1. get wireless speakers. play nyan cat or mudkip song. put the speakers in the vent. watch the reaction
2. Do a slapcam. Get a camera. put foam on your hand (or anything else) and slap somebody
3. Be a unicorn
4. Be a flying unicorn
5. Do Cosplay
6. Go outside and sit on the concreet and say "YAY GRASS"
7. goto your friends house ask her if she wants to play hide and seek. then never find her.
8. invite your friends over. turn of all lights. get in a creepy costume and whenever they come in scare them
9: make your friend bored because then she will be annoyed

Thats all for now p.s. Be a Unicorn