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This is a channel for yellow black XD jk kidding! its for everyone!

Hello this is Foxmood each month there is a special picture it is picture of the day todays picture of the day is...Description Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) -British Wildlife Centre-8.jpg here is the link to the picture-;_ylt=A0SO8z.OBB1UyosAO49XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0Z3IwNGlnBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1NNRTY5OV8x?p=fox&back= Foxes Red Fox&sigr=12d890g1t&sigi=12ho65i6h&sign=118kqoimv&sigt=103ooeh2o&sigb=1296cg7fo&fr=yfp-t-901

Here is the picture! For picture of the day!!!

Thank you for subscribing if you subscribed ;) Good luck on earning ranks people!

~Love Fennec~

~Fennec Fox~

~Old name KittyKatKitteh56~

~Remember me well!~