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Here you can find the information you need to know for The Hallabubu.



The Hallabubu is a special club of OldCP. You would be very special if you join. The Hallabubu are a group of penguins that have meetings, do weird and crazy stuff, and protect and serve. We hold competitions, ceremonies, courts, and other stuff. Subscribe to this channel to be a part of The Hallabubu and to know what will be happening with the club.
There are special ranks for The Hallabubu. Kings, queens, princes, princesses, members, and rookies. There are also special ranks, which are Knight, Manager, and Spy. Any special ranked member who abuses any power given to them shall be demoted and brought all the way back to Rookie.

I am the one and only Lord. I can do everything. Deenie is my Co lord. She is just as swaggy and important as me. We can do everything MUAHAHAHAHA.

Rookie, Member
Rookies cannot do as much as members. Rookies can attend meetings.. Yup. Although, earning Member is quite easy. Just have have to have me or a Hallabubu Knight train you. You will learn the Hallabubu ways, and at the end of the training take a test. If you pass the test, you become a member. Members can attend meetings and help out. Members have to help out any royalty or special ranked staff member, doing any important jobs that they tell you to do.

King, Queen:
The King and Queen of The Hallabubu are the ones who let ideas happen. They create laws for The Hallabubu and demote anybody of The Hallabubu if necessary. If a law is made or a member is demoted, contact me (if you are a king or queen) so I can add the changes here on the channel.

Princess, Prince:
The Princess and Prince of The Hallabubu get to boss people around. Of course, there shall be no forcing members of The Hallabubu to do something stupid. The Princess or Prince has the duty to tell people what to do when they need to. For example, during meetings. If someone is where they shouldn't be, it is up to a Princess or Prince to tell them where to go. Something like that.

The Hallabubu will have three Knights tops. That means no more then three knights. They can send people to jail, which is at /jr cave, if someone is being bad. Not bad enough to get demoted, but bad enough to be sent away. The Knights also keep The Hallabubu community safe. They also help train Rookies to become Members.

The Manager of The Hallabubu helps pitch ideas. They also can help with the initiation into The Hallabubu, and more.

Spies are special Hallabubu that spy... Doesn't get simpler to explain then that.

If you would like to be any kind of staff member, please PM me. :)


For the girls, say /outfit hallabubu1

For the boys, say /outfit hallabubu2

You can change the outfits a little bit, but try keeping the crown and mask. Also, if you have a better suggestion for the boys, tell me, because the boys' outfits stink at the moment. *Any ranked members can wear any body item.

(See someone for codes, if you need them)

Any Princess, Prince, King, Queen, or Manager can wear any crown they desire. Knights must wear any armor and/or crown.

Important Info:

Meeting Place: /jr glimmer

Hallabubu Signal: {}<{}>{} or just <{}> for short.

Official Hallabubu Rules

~No disrespecting any staff members~

~No telling of secret Hallabubu stuff that we say is secret during meetings except to an OldCP staff member~

~must attend any meetings that you can~

~More laws will be added from future royalty~

Hallabubu Penguins

~GlimmerGlam (Glimmer)

~May23monthly (May23)

~Macyyy (mk)


~Alice (SirAlice)









-Deenie <3




Ranked members

~GlimmerGlam (Glimmer) ~Alice (SirAlice) ~Maybe ~Daisy12344 ~Gamergirl -Deenie <3

THE HALLABUBU ARMY: We have started an army. Called The Hallabubu Army. Any time we head somewhere as a group, you must wear your uniforms and do our signal, which is {}<{}>{} or just <{}> for short.