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# Inspired Channel

Once upon a time, one # met this other #. They became friends at first, then got a little more involved in each others lives. They went to the movies together. They went to get pizza together. They practically did everything together! They went on romantic dates as well. After about 3-4 months, they decided to get married. After 6 months of knowing each other, they finally got hitched! They then went on their honeymoon to the Bahamas right after the wedding. After 2 years of being married, the woman # became pregnant. The man # kept on hoping and hoping that it would be a boy. After 9 months of hard labor, the baby # was finally born. It was a girl! Although the man # was upset that it wasn't a boy #, he was glad that he had anything at all. The two decided to name it ##. They wanted the name to live on. They lived happily ever after.
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