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Don't worry this will help you i spend alot of time of this

Do you ever get bullied or teased? Well not anymore! First rule NEVER TELL ADULTS because the bullies can find itself out of it and make up lies and then the adult will think your lying and they aren't. But its OK to talk to your parents about it. Anyway, Don't let them stop you cause they like making fun of you weird right? but its true!

You shouldn't show madness or any emotion to them except for letting them know that your not afraid of them. Cause if you do they will enjoy it and keep doing it. But you gotta calm them down for some examples tell them "I don't mind if you tease on me" or " If you enjoy making fun of me, you can go right ahead". Another reason to not worry about it is because it has no effect on you! You shouldn't do revenge because that just makes things worst!

They love to make people get mad cause they don't even realize their making fun of you and look stupid! To them they think its like watching a funny TV show. So if you told them that it doesn't bother you they will calm down or stop. Next thing to do is tell them why they teased or bully you. And sometimes they bully you cause they got bullied before and they wanted to do it to other people which i'm getting to.

You might be getting confused but keep reading to get unconfused!
They didn't wanted to get revenge at other people but people that mostly do mistakes or who are popular. And to tell you something I even got teased on my teacher when i was 8 years old 0.0 crazy right? Anyway, they obviously didn't wanna tell anyone or their parents so they try to handle it. And they wanted it to have it the opposite way of them getting teased and the other one having fun.

Also sometimes they bully others to make them better about them selves. Once they tell you why there doing rude stuff to you try to work it out and maybe try to be friends. I hope you like this post and tell me if this helped! -created by Rainbolightning/StormwolfX3