0 subscribers


A Ice inspired channel

Hello! Welcome!

(1)- Rookie
(2)- Member
(3)- Wise
(4)- Moderator
(5)- Administrator
(6)- Prince/Princess
(7)- Emperor/Empress

People that have joined:

Icy~~ Rank- (7)
Alice~~ Rank- (6)
Zack~~ Rank- (5)

Meet up times(Snaildom):
•Tuesday December 2nd, 2014. 5:15 EST, 6:00 for all of you in Canada. For both countries, the place to meet up will be the cave. •Friday December 5th, 2014. 4:50 EST, 5:20 for all of you in Canada. For both countries, the session will be at the Inn.

USA will meet up first, but no Canada snails will be in the USA meeting.
Canada will meet up last, but no USA snails (except for me) will be in the Canada meeting.

If you want a certain rank, make an application on the regular forums page. Thanks! Bye..

Please join!

Here are pictures: