0 subscribers


We will stand together.

We are not official yet, but we will be soon. We have not competed in any mod comps, but we are looking forward to it. In this team, we will stay organized. We have one job for every person. If you'd like to join, pm me. I need to trust you mostly because, i would love to have new users in my team but, the issue is, they don't always follow the directions told. So here i will tell you more about us, also who is already in the group and their job.


Cristal and Sugar



Jobs available:

Representer: any time we need to share a photo, a link, or anything with words, if you're chosen, you will do this.
Register: if you're chosen to be a register (limit is 3) you will always keep track of the money in any task given including counting
Absent: (limit is 2) if anyone is absent, you will fill in with their job,
Team teacher: before any GOM stages, we need to practice and go over the rules. We will proudly have Sugar and (unchosen) to do this. You'll go over rules, jobs, etc.
Team leader: as a team leader you need to always make sure the whole team goes to the jr that we must go to or want to.
Team listener: as a team listener you need to make sure everyone is quiet during a speech or task announcement
Team attendance: one person will be in charge to make sure all the boys are here, and one will make sure all girls are here.
Team coach: you need to make sure everyone has a turn sharing his or her speech
Team Advertisers: in any task including shops or money, you will advertise our shop. You will also advertise out team! :) So far we have Tomatoe

More jobs will be added soon. We change these jobs every GOM.

I hope you consider joining. Just subscribe to this channel! More to come soon! <3

Please read any updates, also.

Team rules:

Be respectful to everyone!
Do not swear (oldcp rules apply)
Obey leaders, co leaders, and team obeyers (coming soon)
Do not go off task during GOM. Make sure to try your best and stay focused!

Warning chart: This is a katerx feature. If you get 3 warnings (which is bad) you will be kicked off the team. Sorry! But i do not tolerate immature behavior. If i tell you or if any staff member tells you to stop, thats one warning taken away out of 3. So watch out! So far no one has lost any. Thats great, make it stay that way.

Cristal: Warnings: 0

Sugar: Warnings: 0

Lily: Warnings: 0

Queenblue: Warnings 0

Emmie: Warnings: 0

Poolpie: Warnings: 0

I hope my very unique features to this group helps improve your behavior. We don't care if we lose, we care if we try. Only trying matters. If you really show your best behavior and really try, thats great! It is glad to hear. I hope it continues to be good. As i said before, i do not tolerate bad behavior. Co leaders please let me know if anyone on the team does anything bad or not following the rules. I honestly hope this is not harsh, i know it'll work.

We also have our meetings. Our next meeting is tomorrow (Saturday) 2pm est at /jr fun.
I hope you can make it, if you cannot, please pm me! Also, tomorrow we will be accepting new members and starting to practice for GOM. If you can, please always be on whenever you can. We might fall into the need of a meeting. We also have mini- meetings which basically will explain new features and such as to you. I hope you can attend this tomorrow at 3pm est at /jr fun. All our meetings for now will take place at jr fun until we find an official room. I was thinking of jr stage, let me know if you prefer that please ASAP.

If you have any questions or suggestions, I am more than glad to hear. Just pm me! :)

Also, we have a new member named Poolpie! Pool, please pm me for daily information!

Poolpie is now an official Team Leader, meaning, she is basically like a co-leader but not. She will fill in if any co leaders are absent. Thank you!

Our team attendance keeper is Lily1117. If you would like this job with lily please let me know ASAP.

We need more teammates, at least 12 for our team. It would mean a lot if you can join! :)

Tomatoe is our team advertiser

If i do not come to the meeting today, i leave Cristal and Sugar in charge. Please discuss our team rules, guides, etc.