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Live,Laugh,Laugh some of the most important "L" words.


Have you ever noticed the three most important "L" words. Well in my mind the three most important "L" words are, Live,Laugh,Love. Just because all three words mean something special. Let me describe what each mean to me personally.

- I believe Live means to enjoy life live free express your feelings, never let others bring you down always enjoy living never wan't to end it, even if it might be tough.

- I believe Laugh mostly connects with laughter in this point. Laughing cures broken hearts,minds,and most of all friendships. I love having a good laugh with my friends and the people whom make me laugh are special. Here are a few people who make me laugh. Tacofun,Moshi,MrLion,Salsa,Sophie,Damen,Kara,Sunwolf,Junior,Gamer,Chucker,Sophiabeth,Kaitlyn,Raindrop, and so many more. Laughter is so great why not laugh right now.

- Love is strong, and it's something you need mostly everyday. Without love you'd be alone and most likely depressed like I am now. But. I get such a strong love from no guy but mostly my wonderful friends. Love yourself, and love others and you're bound to remain happy.
