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A channel made for the Summer Mod Comp.

Hey there! I have decided that I wanted to create a team for the Summer Mod Comp; held this Friday. Inspired by Tornado, I have decided to make the team: The Maniacs.

There are no requirements to be on the team, only to ask me if you want to join the team. The only way the Maniacs will be able to have their own house is to have more members join. To get in though, you have to mail me for a place.

The Outfit is /outfit CPManiac, and you can change everything but the Fish Tie and Orange Hoodie. Our team hideout is /jr CPManiac, and is optional to go to.

There are currently no known members yet, for the ones that used to be on the team have either gone to another team, or have forgotten. Either way, we still need members so feel free to join!

For now, see ya!