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I wish i could tell you everything... its just too hard.

Hi! I'm smartypants... I'm here to tell you my life story...
I'm 10 and I've been having a problems with my family... My mom and dad fight everyday and me and my sister have to make all our meals... My mom works until we get off school on school days and my dad is at work tell 10 pm :P. My sister is always outside and i have to make all the meals... now. My cat has to go on a a leash and always gets out and jumps over out fence! I wish my life was easier... I have my own room but it's right next to the bathroom :P. I have to hear people using the restroom! On the other side is my mom and dad's room... They fight of course. I love watching Disney Channel... Nick and Disney XD... Sorry if you hate Disney... but i like Disney. We have not been around the world. We went to only Disney land and world, Washington and Oregon. The one thing that i love most is computers. I was abandoned when i was 5 and i never thought i would ever have a family... But now i do! My sister was abandoned with me. She was really sad just like me... We were on the streets for at least... 3 days? Then a women found us and bring us to an adoption center and that was 4 years ago... That's my life and i was also in the hospital yesterday o.o (7/3/2014) I had to take my tonsils out :P
Thanks for reading about me... ~Smartypants