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Hello Everyone Welcome to The Mia club Say /outfit miaclub if u wanna Join Btw if u really wanna Join too SubScribe! :P The Mia Club Has Alot Of fun if u wanna see what The fun is Please Look At This Forums Disscution The Mia Club Has The Same thing as dis But free! The meetings Are as I Should Say Fun Stuff :D But sometimes work :p but mostly fun The Times Are mondays 6:00 Pm Est if u Cant Make The meetings thats Totally fine Because.. There Also Saturdays 4:30 Pm Est :D Please Join
There Has to be Serten People Pls Mail Me if u Wanna Be That Person
intructer (telling what We Should do today)
Queen (taken)Byme:)
Princess The 2nd Owner of The Mia Club
King (owner)maybe will be Taken Soon
Teller Person That Says where the meetings are
Mailer: this person has to be a Member or can Mail Person That Tells WHere and When The Meetings and Stuff that Happens Reporter: Person That Reports What Happens and Needz to tell the Mailer About it Like The Fork Ate The Spoon The reporter would Tell the Mailer to mail People about that Meeting Btw The Queen Sends Mail to do And work Everyone is a Person Mk if all Jobs are Taken Heres Some Others Butler: The Person That Sets Up Movie Theater and decides Movie and Gives People Spas and Gives People Food and does The work for Fun Stuff The Queen Mia will Tell u All ur Jobs ok Next Person is The Clown This Person Makes New Ideas if We ran out of fun stuff basically Gives us what to do. if all Spots are Taken u Are a Emmia a Emmia is a Emma+Mia Because my Name is Mia And My user is Emma an Emmia Works and works for a Special Spot Like if I would make a Meeting and Promote Someone to Do Something Example I Promoted a Emmia And I Promoted Them to be a Admin Theres Admins in here Xd Theres Special Promotes for Emmia's Hope You Guys Join!! its Super funny
