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A channel about my Minecraft server!!

Hello! CocaCola10 here if you didn't know. I am making a channel here about my Minecraft server about whats coming soon, recent news, and some events too!!! My name on Minecraft is SodaPopGamer.
COMING SOON: We have a couple things coming soon. Our Cruise Ship is almost complete!! Also, we are building a Hotel soon!!

RECENT NEWS: Well, as we were building the interior of the ship, we noticed that the boiler was on fire and it was spreading to the rest of the ship. We have rebuilt it and found out that the user who set it on fire was Crowflying. He was banned for awhile and is now forgiven but many users are still upset.

EVENTS: We have a Christmas party coming soon! Crowflying and I have built the house where we will host it. Its coming out pretty good!

Atlantis? Gamer and I have made a discovery on my Server... We think we found Atlantis!!! I took some pics on gamemode 3 (god mode) so I could get the + sign out of the middle of the screen. Here are some pics I took: IT TURNS OUT THAT THIS IS JUST AN OCEAN MONUMENT! I have developed a Search Team/Rescue Team to find the real deal. And maybe some other stuff. We find stuff under the water... and on land! :)

I will give you more details as they come.

Here is the Minecraft skin that Skippy is making me! She is still editing it but this is a sneak peek:

Bye for now!! -Sir CocaCola10