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This channel will tell you all about my life. It will help you in some ways, with great problems and solutions. I will update every once and a while.

My parents met through a mutual friend. They were never married, and as soon as they had me and 3 months passed, they split up (when I was 3 months).I had a difficult time, and still do, about my parents parting. But it was their choice. If your parents are divorced or are not together anymore, don't be sad. Parents, friends and family are always there for you. You are never alone.

I have a lot of siblings, but they are not my full siblings. My brother's father married my mother, but they parted when he was 3 years old. Then, my mom met my dad and had me, and she parted with him as well. Next, my mom met my sister's dad, had her, and parted. Finally, my mom met my step sister's dad and got married. My mom recently split up with him because he was cheating on her. They they are not divorced, just live separately. I still see my siblings a lot. But, it just doesn't feel right. When you feel this way, talk to them, or your parents. It will help.

I was bullied when I was in 2nd grade. They called me ugly, and lots of other hurtful names. If you have been bullied or are being bullied, turn the other cheek and tell an adult. You won't be a tattle tail, if the bullies call you that, you will just be an example for the people who are bullied. They will see you being bullied, being brave and walking away, and telling an adult. They will look up to you, even if you are younger than them, and copy your ways.