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..? What happened... ? *Ideas by me. Any characters are make up*


- Find out who stole the gold from the bank *Guy currently known as ?* (UNSOLVED)
- Find out how to make an army of criminals (UNSOLVED)
- Find out what the man that stole the gold looks like (UNSOLVED)


- Find out who ?'s sidekick is
- Get the gold back from ?
- Find a way to kill ?

Latest Clues

- Could the clippers on the beach be a tool that ? used?
- Could ? have hidden gold scattered in jrs?

Status: Waiting to solve the latest casefile. [ Please note only staff of this club can change / mark as done casefiles. ]

could /jr bob have some way to include the mystery man? could the lava pit be jail for anyone that crosses him?

- Emperor Foxehhhh