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my first ever news report

Hi guys! This is my first ever news report and I give most credit to Orbay
for supporting me all the way! Hope you enjoy!

War lord competition?
it seems to me that Cyber wolf has Stepped down
Now there is a War lord competition being
-others (I am still learning this will be updated)

May23 promotion
May23 has got her way and been promoted (updating ...)

What is this?!
recently I have joined clubpenguin on server blizzard (the most used)
and only 20 -30 users! Usually in this case club penguin is a blast of
high energy and squishy/filled spaces! Although when I went to town
there were 5-6 people! what is going on?

Go out there!
That girl*

Sorry for the updating I will be getting news from Orbay quite soon
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