0 subscribers


everytime a new problem opens up i report

This Channell Will Report Something every day
Thursday July 17:After the Bomb at the coffeeshop 2 more bombs were spotted at 2 rooms: also some users claim seeing 2 bombs on the sofas in /office the OldCP Crue have suggested that there is more bombs out there,TSA Agents Believe that there is a automatic signal and also more bombs are out there gradually ticking to its exploding time (not approved) this is no longer going to be a updated paragraph
2nd Doce:The Forums has a new update which tells users where the person is its over here on the image below

3rd Doce:OldCP.Biz has quite a harsh lag problem for connecting to servers it is approved to be delayed until 10:00 or 11:00 Update! At 12:30:All users now getting more impatient or waiting for something to listen as many users wonder what to do i think we should brainstorm ideas before more comes in limitedly
as more time is ocupied at the timing of 2 hours later it suddenly changed to 3 hours meaning now 5 instead of 2 hours of waiting however this approves damen is trying to better the game and update it as users try to find glitches etc less hope comes in some prefer to go to newcp others prefer to leave and some wait this complicates things...New Era this is the first time users joined from march 2014 get to see this kind of problem this is probably the first or second time this happened if users continue to see this some say they will be highly displeased.(No More Updates on this Paragraph).
Now Then The Comic Strip Of The Week

If u want comic strips for every week subscribe.
Thankyou for Reading July 12th on OCH Reports
Friday July 18th:
Doce 1:All Users Understand Now And Are Happy That The Servers have been improved and as damen calls to respect this as 30$ he spent just for users and as the server was also explaining why it took about 5 and a 1/2 hours it was because re-installed

Doce 2: 1 Week Away From The Mod Competition! As Teams Will Be Picked Soon...
Doce 3:Today the forums has had a very awkward drama;in this case a detective has been rumoured all around the island to be Scarlet.
Defining...:Scarlet was A BlackHawk a while back scarlet was killed by either blackhawks or so another altogether so yeah
as the people still fear no one knows the truth (i am not taking up names)
Doce 4:Today for about 5 minutes everyone on the forums was banned as the drama started to get out of hand a user made a post called U Are not IPBanned which was described the estimates were mickey who ipbanned all penguins glitch he found or a update however it was a (not patched) IPBan Glitch made for updating
Thankyou for reading Day 2.
July 19th and 20th
Doce 1: arent big actually but in these 2 days there has been some more forum drama etc also on the 19th the och band performed after 3 months check it out more at #OldCPBand
as teams prepare more
Doce 2:The Forums Have A New Update Called Homes A Few Categories are chosen by users and yet the most popular (so far) Is The FreeHawks

So far OldCP Had finished the moderator competition so congratulations to u
so far currently nothing has been taken on
now that the blackhawks returned we are making it so that little agencies can be used such and such as damen allows (not yet confirmed) having said the iceghosts have also striked back by making bob a iceghost and also the returned "Gamer" as he explained all planning scarlet fired him and almost killed him
the iceghosts base was /jr void
at the moment everyone figured out that the thrones room wasnt gone but frozen

the new logo
no current news is a go
however the forum made a new rank of stars of a scale from 0-5 if ur displeased with a user u rank him one less or one more
also OldCP has a new update for mods in the speaking lounge (top where u hold the arrow down) they are red and also on playercard they have the mod badge
~thnx for reading OCH Out!
As u know snaildom is coming very soon heres a sneak peek regarding it

pretty neat huh?
wait till it comes out itself! until then... until then....
The Mods Step Back Up!
Well Here We Go Again
The Mods Are Finally 21 Again!
but this means the risk of losing olcp and a moderator being framed has returned heres the list

if ur not playing on big screen scroll down from the game a bit and u see the list along with 3 buttons
well thats it for August Week 1
The Tragedy
i wont be here on september october or november but on winter break i'll come back and stay from there
i know if i do become a moderator before this i'll lose it so i guess i'll try in 2015 or if i find a way to hide the laptop
the tragedy is not yet confirmed i'll tell u if its true

New Beginning
After 4 /2 weeks of no newspaper
i have decided to bring it back!
so not the news
OldCP Gone....
it will ebt hat this time disney will succeed in closing oldcp
no one knows when these are rumors and are not proven fully
this means that these are the last pictures and videos on oldcp which means the end is near
Snaildom is now coming out in about 2 weeks on a friday
this means that when oldcp is gone it is being replaced by snaildom
and right now are the last chances u can become a beta and get the badge

this proves snaildom will be connected to forums
and that also snaildom will be more online and more improved than OldCP
this means it will be like newcp
but hopefully without membership and ruined "snailies"
(a made up word for snaildom pookies)
heres a few pictures of snaildoms sneak peeks

cool isnt it?
News Flash 2014!
i am celebrating the fact of 1000 posts and 2014 views in the same month

would have been funny if it was 1007 posts
then times 2 it would be 2014 or so idk!
heres the comic

"guess what im "DA BOSS OF KH!"
its true though i will be hosting a news flash of u
who want gold
this is ur chance u have a chance of getting 10 gold a month
if u PM me an application
the simple job is to PM me a comic strip that isnt used on the newspaper SALUTATIONS! this is
OldCPHelper Reports
Over And Out!
Kingdom of Snails

As Snaildom quickly approaches the DSGHQ I myself want to say some few words about the creation such as my thoughts and opinions. The creation has been waited on for awhile now as Damen had to put the game together each day, and lastly finish it soon. He has been working almost none-stop. Honoring Snaildom only seems so right simply because this creation hasn't been taking days,weeks, or even 5 weeks... it's been going on for months. It's rather remarkable when you comprehend how much time this creation has been worked on for, and it's only going to get better,better,better, and obviously better. So this discussion is dedicated to Snaildom. Please sit back and relax as this discussion will be rather shortened.

Beta Sign-Ups
-Follow the following directions below-

Want to become a beta-tester for Snaildom? Simply follow every single step/direction below in order to correctly make an application. It will go in order as well. Remember beta-testing will most likely last for around the range of 2 weeks... so make sure you test the game nicely.

-Go to
-Fully read the discussion, and then make your application.
-Make sure you read the discussion or you might screw up.
-Follow what Damen lists to do.
-Answer the given question Damen lists.
-Once finished read over your application make sure it's worthy enough.
-Click 'post', and await your verdict.

Damen, Thank You
-Thank you Damen...!-

Damen, you've put a lot of work into this creation/game. Your determination is rather remarkable, and your sportsman ship is beyond compare. You've started with simple ideas and suggestion and made them into something beyond anyone's memory. Your hard work inspires not only me, but almost everyone among the DSGHQ. You might often get noticed for your hard work, but in this case I am respecting it. Users might thank you often, but hardly any of them mean it. I mean this, and truly I believe your hard work will soon pay off. I still wish you all the best of luck on your voyage of creating the game as it shall only grow better. *Cheers* to you for making something we couldn't of ever been able to think of become a reality.

Final Words
This discussion was rather short but I just want to point out the success Snaildom will most likely have. Damen has been working rather long on this creation, and it's time for him to be thanked and honored. It's remarkable and mind blowing once you actually comprehend that Damen made this from start to finish. Congratulations to him, and remember beta-testing will start shortly once the discussion where you make your application gets locked. Remain positive and perhaps you'll have a chance. Anyone is capable of creating any old application, but it takes someone really determined to actually succeed from it. Good luck everyone, and remember to thank Damen when you see him for all the hard work he's put into creating Snaildom. Thanks once again, and good day everyone. Remember to stay positive!

Credits to this Is Sadie Thankyou Sadie for letting me use this
and again i'll show u every sneak peek i've shown so far

snaildom is coming right through the plane!
so far i havent done much work on channels well now you would be glad to know
we are having a christmas band performance