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Forum and OldCp Memories.

Hello Everyone,

You know how we all have those memories we can't forget, I know I have a ton and I was great full that I found these images, this images contain so many memories and I believe you might even find yourself in one of them. All these memories have a meaning and some of these are from Mirai,OldCp and the Forums. All of them hold a special bond with me and I am excited that I can share them with you. This page will be updated every time I find an image or make a new memory. I might add in some memories but in a paragraph or more. Enjoy viewing this memories.

(the time frogs won my comp)

(the time we started crimezones)

(the time I was captured)

(the time me and taco where finding outfits for the mod comp)

(this was something special Damen said to me, this was such a great memory.)

Former Moderator Competition Images:

(one of my favorite)


More will be added along with some updates I hope you enjoyed looking into the past.
