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Your Daily Dose Of Oldcp News

Welcome to the Oldcp Newspaper! Here you will find your daily dose of Oldcp news, I will be posting Daily Info on everything happening on the island! I'm your Publisher ChocoCow!


I will be giving away jobs to people who will PM me news to add to the Oldcp Times! Below are the following jobs!

Publisher: ChocoCow

Reporter Leader: Available

Reporter: Available

Reporter: Available

To earn a job PM me a application and the best applications get the job! If you don't PM me a news report in 3 days your FIRED!


New Mods

Yes Damen yesterday gave some lucky ladies Mod these ppl are LivetoDance, Emily, Angi and last but not least Suzy! You sure will be able to see these ppl with those beautiful blue names soon!


Yes this is a shock to all but our anonymous Det photographer has received some visions! They seem as if the Iceghosts are planning an attack/or War but we are not sure. One of the visions has a penguin dead on the floor some say it is Minty as the penguin is black and Mintys penguin color is black!

New News Reporter

You may know her you may not but we now have a new News Reporter! She goes by the name of Dancebear! She has been promoted earlier but Emperor Damen!

More Servers

Just yesterday Damen has announced more servers! We now have a extra 10 servers but Blizzard will remain our main server!

Oldcp V9.5

We have updated Oldcp to version 9.5! This update comes with less lag and faster loading speed!

DsgHq on demand!

If you have missed a episode on the Oldcp Televsion you can visit the website and view all episodes such as Keys trial!

Final Paragraph

Thank you for reading the Oldcp Times! Sorry I can not post pictures right now as I am using my iPad and my computer keyboard is broken but when I get a new keyboard I will post pictures as fast possible!