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Penguin Drama Choice Awards Official Home

Welcome to the Offical Channel of PDCA (Penguin Drama Choice Awards). On PDCA 12 contestants will be chosen by Sheep and 12 stories will be made. Each story a contestant will eliminated of my choice and the remaining campers will be given Smores. Whoever wins the entire Game Show (which is based on luck) will be given a 150 gold grand prize and automatic spot into the next season.

Season 1 Contestants:
Team FeistyReindeer-
BW (Black and White)

Team AngryBuffalo
Season 1, Episode 1 - Survival of the Foodest
Sheep: Hello everyone, I am your host... Sheep! Welcome to the DSGHQs newest game show, Penguin Drama Choice Awards. Tonights teams, the AngryBuffalo Team and the FeistyReindeer Team will be facing off in Survival of the Foodest! All contestants from both teams will be put to the test by attempting to eat the grossest dishes our Chef can make!

Team FeistyReindeer:
Sheep: Alright campers! Wake up!

Sheep clapped his hands as loud as he could to wake the team.

Rosie: *yawn* Oh c'mon Sheep its only 7:00 AM..

Bailey: Oh man, I can hardly wait for todays event!

Sheep chuckled a bit at Bailey thinking that his opinion would change when he heard the challenge.

Sheep: Get dressed and go over to the cafeteria! The challenge is in 20 minutes!

Team AngryBuffalo:
Sheep: Rise and shine campers!

Raleigh: Finally its starting! Im ready to go!

The campers reluctantly got up and prepared for the challenge, unbeknownst to Foxy who was down by the creek.

The Cafeteria:
Sheep: Alright Campers, todays challenge is to see which team can have the most campers finish a dish made by our "professional" chef! The team who has more campers that finished will be safe tonight but the team who had the least will have to have one camper eliminated.

Foxehhhh: *whisper* pssst, Lulu... lets make an alliance. We need to get rid of Bailey... hes already a crowd favorite.

Lulu2: *nervous* hmmm... uhm... sure...

With a newly formed alliance, Lulu2 and Foxehhhh were determined to make Bailey be eliminated.

Team FeistyReindeer:
Sheep: Alright, out first competitor is Sadie... and it looks like Chef has made her Cold Slaw with sour milk and moldy carrots.

Sadie: Oh my god... there is no way I can eat that *face turns green*

Team: Cmon Sadie you can do it!

Reluctantly Sadie grabbed a spoon and went to work on the petrified Cold Slaw. After a few bites she seemed to be able to eat it but the agony was too much when she saw a maggot crawling around and she threw up over the table.

Sheep: Oh wow... Sadie has lost! Next up is Bailey, and Chef has prepared him Fried Moths topped with barbecue sauce!

Bailey dug into the moths without hesitation... trying to avoid the taste. Within a minute he had finished the whole plate and had gotten a point for his team!

Sheep: Great job Bailey *chuckles* next up is Rosie

Rosie: Oh jeez...

Sheep: Chef has made you a blended drink of rotten tomatoes and assorted beetles!

At that, Rosie fainted and was automatically disqualified.

Sheep: Well, BW is up and since Rosie didnt drink the blend, that means BW has too!

BW: Oh come on!

BW looked into the red cup and gulped, she lifted the cup and let the drink run down her throat. She shivered and nearly fainted but managed to finish the drink fairly quickly.

Sheep: Nice job BW! That earns your team another point! Up now is Foxehhhh and Chef has made her a plate of moldy melted cheese, combined with Chefs finger nail clippings!

Foxehhhh: This cant be legal... no! I refuse.

Team: Oh come on!

Sheep: It appears that Foxehhhh has forfeited... so next up is Lulu! Since Foxehhhh didnt finish her meal, that means Lulu must finish it.

Lulu: Thanks Sheep *sarcastic*

Lulu dug into the awful meal but couldnt bare to take more then one bite as she fainted on the floor.

Sheep: Lulu has fainted... which means she is disqualified and the FeistyReindeer have only gotten 2 points out of a possible 6!

Team AngryBuffalo:

Sheep: Alright campers! As you may or may not have heard, todays challenge is to eat the dishes served by our Chef! Your competitors racked up a total of 2 points! You just need 3 to win! First up is Pista... it appears that Pista will be served a Cockroach Sundae!

Pista shivered as he gulped down the horrible food... trying to enjoy the ice cream as much as possible. Before long Pista finished and had gotten his team a point!

Team: Woooo! Good Job Pista! *clapping*

Sheep: Next up is Lita! She has been prepared some kool-aid!

Lita: Thats it?! Nice! *smiles*... so where is it?

Sheep handed her a straw and told her where the kool-aid was...

Sheep: Oh... its just over there in the restroom. You can find it in Stall #2

Litas eyes widened as she walked over to the bathroom. She hesitated for a moment but reluctantly went in. Minutes later she came back out with a disgusted look... she had finished.

Sheep: Thats 2 points for Team AngryBuffalo! Just one more for the win! Next up is Foxy... uh... wheres Foxy?

The team looked around and couldnt find Foxy anywhere.

Sheep: It appears Foxy must be disqualified and Cheep will take her place!

Cheep: Awww man... what is it..

Sheep: It looks like your dish is a glass of old milk blended with moldy cheese!

Cheep nearly threw up when she heard it, she sat at the table and looked at the glass with a disgusted face.

Allie: Cheep just plug your nose and you wont be able to taste anything!

Cheep listened to Allie and plugged her nose as she began to drink the horrible fusion of petrified food. She tasted nothing! Within a few minutes she finished the whole cup and had earned her team a point!

Sheep: Team AngryBuffalo has won the challenge! 3-2! Which means they are safe from elimination tonight and may go back to there cabin! As for team FeistyReindeer... I will see you at the camp fire tonight.

The Camp Fire Ceremony:
Sheep: Hello campers... tonight one of you will be eliminated! I will provide you with a pencil and paper to write down who you think should be voted off!

Sheep handed out the paper and pencils and waited for the campers to finish. Within seconds they handed in there votes.

Sheep: The first vote is for Bailey... the second vote is for Rose... the third vote is for Rose... The fourth vote is for Bailey... The fifth vote is for BW... and the final vote is for Rosie.

Rosie: WHAT! I lost...

Sheep: I'm sorry Rosie... you must now follow Chef down to the Dock of shame where you will be taken back home. The rest of the campers are safe from elimination and may head back to there cabins!

As Rosie got on the boat and was escorted back home by Chef the other campers made there way back to there cabins for a good nights sleep.

Sheep: With one Camper down we have 10 more until the winner will be crowned! Who will be eliminated next? Find out on the next Penguin Drama Choice Awards!
Episode 2: Clash of Snow
Sheep: Hello everyone! I am your host, Sheep! Coming back with a new episode of Penguin Drama Choice Awards! After Team FeistyReindeer lost the challenge and there fellow member, Rosie, they will have to keep up with the other team in today's challenge!

The Camp-
Chef: Alright campers! Get yourselves dressed and ready for today's "task" and head out to the cafeteria! And if Foxy misses another event she will be disqualified!

Foxy: Wait, I missed an event?!

Raleigh: Yea, yesterday when you were down at the lake you missed out on our big win!

The campers made there way to the cafeteria, ready for today's task. On the way Foxehhhh approached Lulu and told her about a few updates.

Foxehhhh: Lulu, you remember the alliance... right?

Lulu: Yea, why?

Foxehhhh: We need to forget about Bailey and target Foxy. Shes weak after missing yesterdays event.

Lulu: Ok... *sigh*

The Cafeteria-
Sheep: Good morning Campers! After yesterday I am sure you guys are worn out and most likely sick but today we have a fun event! You will be tasked with making a sculpture from snow! Now... since its the middle of Summer we will have to use the next best thing. Which is last years Whipped Cream supply, you will also need to make these sculptures in under an hour... so get to work!

Lita: I already hate this camp. But we'll still win.

Team FeistyReindeer-
Bailey: Lets just go with a normal snow man... its the easiest.

Sadie: I guess that could work.

Bailey: Alright everyone! Get the whipped cream cans and start on the body, Sadie and I will do the head!

The clock went on and on as the team slowly put together a snowman. The room was rather hot so the face looked melty and the carrot wouldnt hold... The hat was half way sunken in the head and the whole thing really looked like a mess.

Bailey: Wow! Uh... good job?

BW: Good Job?! This is horrible!

Lulu: It'll have to work.

Team AngryBuffalo-
Pista: Okay guys, I have a great Idea... we need to make a dragon!

Cheep: A dragon?! That will take forever!

Pista: Well... about that. Yesterday in the garbage can I saw a Dragon Figurine. So I thought we could cover it in whip cream so it looks real!

Foxehhhh: Isnt that cheating?

Pista: He never said anything about it...

The team finally agreed and pulled the dragon from the garbage. They went to work smearing it in Whipped Cream to make it look as real as possible.

Sheep: Alright teams, let me see your finished projects! Starting with Team FeistyReindeer!

The team showed them there travesty of a snowman.

BW: I'm sorry... it went really...

Chef: Horribly?

BW: *sarcastically* Yes.

Sheep: Well Chef, what do you rate this out of 10?

Chef: I give it 2 out of 10.. at best.

Sheep: I think I can agree with that... it looks like you guys got 4 out of 20!

Sadie: I figured this would happen.

Lulu: Me too. *sigh*

Sheep walked over to the Dragon Sculpture with a big grin.

Sheep: Wow! This is amazing! You didnt leave out a single detail... I give you 10 out of 10! Which means Team AngryBuffalo win...

Chef: Wait!

Chef walked over to the sculpture... not believing what he was seeing. He wiped away a piece of the face, revealing the figurine underneath.

Everyone: *gasp*

Sheep: Well it appears that your team has cheated and you are disqualified!

Pista: But you said nothing about that being against the rules!

Sheep: On the contrary, I said the sculpture must be made out of Whip Cream!

Pista: *sigh* Youre right... I'm sorry everyone.

The Smores Ceremony:
Sheep: Tonight, another person will be eliminated. And since Team AngryBuffalo lost... that means the other team is safe and may head back to there cabins. As for the rest of you, you must vote for who you want eliminated.

The campers all received there paper and pencils and within moments they handed them back in.

Sheep: Alright! One vote for Pista, One vote for Foxy, Two votes for Foxy, Two votes for Pisa, Three votes for Pista and finally... three votes for Foxy!

Everyone: What?!

Raleigh: Then who leaves?

Sheep: I'll leave that up to our great staff... Chef!

Chef grinned at Foxy, knowing she wasnt at the event yesterday he had made his decision!

Chef: The person who will be voted off Penguin Drama Choice Awards tonight is.... Foxy!

Foxy: Oh... *cringe* Sorry guys...

Sheep: The rest of you are safe now! You may head back to your respective cabin! As for Foxy, you must go to the Dock of Shame and be escorted back home with Chef.

The team members went there different ways except for Foxehhhh and Lulu who fist bumped eachother and walked back to the cabin.

Sheep: After a great contest and an even greater propoganda.... Foxy has left the island and the campers are now awaiting tomorrows challenge! Who will be the next one leave? Find out on the next episode of Penguin Drama Choice Awards!
Episode 3: Camp Horror Story