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Penguin Drama Island

Hello! I am Sheep. This the Gameshow Penguin Drama Island! On this show there are 14 contestants each season and 13 will be voted off and whoever wins gets 100 DSG gold!

Penguin Drama Island Winners

Season 1

Episode 1-
Hello campers im Sheep your host! said sheep. Todays challenge will be a food fight! exclaimed sheep. "Oh wicked! said Dice! Who was on team MadMammoth. Both teams took there sides and got there food and sling shots. Whichever team who won would get invincibility but the team that loses has to vote off a camper! said Sheep. AmazingPhil got a pie on his sling shot and BOOM! BlueHawk is out! Team AngryOcelot was down 1 now! But here comes Jacketta with a moldy pizza slice! Bam! The pizza slice hit Pencil right in the face hes out! Now Angry Ocelot is down two! But with an astonishing throw Police Bob throws a watermelon and it explodes on the floor drenching TheBeast, Dice and Kricken who are all out! Now Team Mammoth is down 3! But bp28 has a potato and he gonna throw it! It hits the wall but bounces off! Smack! Melanie is out! But Prince Studly has a catapult and three pies! The catapult releases and it hits IndigoPalace, Terry and Starwolf! The game is over and the MadMammoths win! It looks like someone from Team AngryOcelot will be voted off.

Voting Off Ceremony-
Pencil, PoliceBob, Melanie, and StarWolf vote for BlueHawk. Which means BlueHawk has been eliminated! "Only 6 remain on the AngryOcelots! Will they come back or fall? Find out next time on Penguin Drama Island!

Episode 2-
It has been 1 day since Blue Hawk was eliminated who will go next find out on this episode of Penguin Drama Island! The sun beat down on the campers as they made there way into the country yard to here there next challenge. "Hello Campers! Todays challenge is a test of guts! Follow me to the airplane in 5." said Sheep. The campers arrived at the airplane and climbed on. "What are we doing today? Jumping off the plane?" said Melanie sarcastically. "Yes, yes we are." said Sheep. "Heres your para-shoots and goggles. Whoever does not jump off the plane loses and whichever team has the least amount of campers jump loses!" At that moment nearly half the campers sat back down and refused to jump. The only ones left were Pencil, PoliceBob and TheBeast who all preceded to jump. "Looks like two from the Angry Ocelots will be jumping which means they win!" Exclaimed Sheep as the Mad Mammoths all signed in sorrow.

Voting Off Ceremony-
I vote AmazingPhil said Terry and bp28 and also Jacketta. Three votes for AmazingPhil. I vote Jacketta said AmazingPhil. One vote for Jacketta. You cannot vote off TheBeast because he jumped which means AmazingPhil, Your OUT! said Sheep. Who will go next? Find out next time on Penguin Drama Island!

Episode 3-
Hello Campers! Said Sheep! Welcome back to Penguin Drama Island! Todays challenge will only be between two campers and whoever loses goes home! It is a race, the two contestants i choose are Dice and Terry! Now lets get to the course shall we? The wo campers arrived at the course while the others relaxed at there cabin waiting for tommorrows challenge. Now this race is a 100 meter hurdles race! "Oh No, i cant even jump that high! Said Dice. Ready? Set! Go!!! The race had begun and Terry got a huge lead. One hurdle, two hurdle three! Only one hurdle for Dice. HAHA! said terry! But Terry wasnt paying attention and fell over a hurdle face planting in a pile of cow manuer. Oh sick! said Terry, as Dice passed him and crossed the finish line! Dice had won! Which means Terry is going home! Who will be voted off next? Find out next Penguin Drama Island!

Episode 4-
Greetings Campers! This whole week it will be two camper challenges! Which means only two campers will compete per episode! And the two campers i choose for this episode is Pencil and bp28. The challenge is a Hot Dog eating contest! The two campers walked into the foyer which had a table with two plates full of hotdogs on them. Ready? Set! Go! said sheep. And the campers were off. in five minutes bp28 had eaten 3 hotdogs and Pencil ate 5. In 15 minutes it was neck and neck at 10. But whats this? bp28 began to wet his food with his water to make it easier to eat. Disqualified! said Sheep. Bp28 your out! Who will go next? Find out next time on Penguin Drama Island!

Episode 5-
Heyo Campers! Todays challenge will once again be a one on one and todays victims or as i say campers are StarWolf and Jacketta and the challenge will be a Fencing Challenge. Whoever lands the first hit wins!" said sheep. The campers were escorted into the Country Yard. The mats were laid out and the campers were given there swords. Starwolf swung but Jacketta ducked and swung at her legs whilst StarWolf jumped over and gave the game winning blow. Thats it Jacketta is out! Find out who will be voted off next Penguin Drama Island.

Episode 6-
Hello Campers! Once again only two contestants will be competing and those two are PrinceStudly and PoliceBob. And the challenge is very simple. Climb to the top of a greasy pole and grab your flag. said Sheep. The campers began by Studly almost climbing to the top but falling due to the grease. Then PoliceBob gave it a go. He only made it half way before falling. Then at the same time they were at the top but Studly kicked Bobs pole and he fell whilst Studly grabbed the flag! PrinceStudly is safe! But PoliceBob is out! Who will be voted off next time? Find out next time on Penguin Drama Island!

Episode 7-
Aye Campers! Once again it will be a one on one challenge! The two campers i choose are Kricken and StarWolf and the challenge is a swimming challenge where you two have to swim around the pond and whoever gets back first wins! The campers scurried out to the pond and awaited the start. Ready? Set! Go! The campers were off and Kricken took a huge lead but half way there StarWolf was surrounded by sharks. AHHH! She then swam so fast she passed Kricken through the finish line and won! Sorry Kricken but your going home! Who will go next find out next Penguin Drama Island!

Episode 8-
Hello Campers since we are down to eight players there will no longer be teams! So that means there will only be one on one Competitions and todays victims are Dice and Pencil and the challenge will be a Chicken Challenge! Yes the game chicken. Both of you have to run at each other at full speed and hit each other without chickening out. So there they were Dice and Pencil ran at each other. AHHHH! screamed Dice. But just as that happened Pencil tripped and smashed into Dice making Dice fall over and lose! Who will go next time? Find out on Penguin Drama Island!

Episode 9-
Hello Campers! Todays challenge will be between IndigoPalace and Melanie and the challenge is a Cannon Ball Contest! Whoever makes the highest splash wins! The campers climbed atop the Diving Board. Indigo jumped and smack! She hit the water like a box of rocks! Only a one foot high splash. Disappointing. Then it was Melanie! Slap! The same results. Only one foot. So whos gonna be voted off? The Campers didnt know who would be voted off but in the end the BOTH of them were! Who will go next? Find out next Penguin Drama Island!

Episode 10-
Hello! And welcome campers to the Final 3! Congratulations but your going to have to bring your A game today! The challenge will be a Go-Kart race! Oh ya! Im a master at Go-Kart! Said Pencil. The camper got into there Go-Karts and the race started! Only three laps but Pencil took a huge lead! Pencil finished his first lap while PrinceStudly and Starwolf were only half way. Just seconds later Pencil was on lap 2! And the other two campers were on Lap 1 still. Pencil was now at two and half but he forgot to put oil in the motor before the start and the front of the car exploded. StarWolf and Studly took the lead and in the end PrinceStudly won! And StarWolf was second. Which means Pencil is going home! We are down to our final 2! Who will win Season 1? Find out Next Penguin Drama Island!

Season Finale
Hello! Congratulations on making it to the Season Finale of Penguin Drama Island! And now the challenge is very simple. You must walk across a tight rope over a canyon! What! said StarWolf! Yup! Said Sheep. The campers started over the Tight Rope if they fell it would be a 50 foot drop into leach infested water. They were half way there in just minutes. But just as they crossed the half way mark PrinceStudly farted causing StarWof to fall. And PrinceStudly has won Penguin Drama Island!

Season 2-



Episode 1
Hello! My new pack of victims i mean campers. Said Sheep. Todays challenge will be kind of like the first challenge in season 1. Except instead of jumping from a plane youll be jumping off one of Camp Neopolds many cliffs. So lets go! Hey Mico lets make an alliance and vote off Suzy if we lose. Said MistyWolf. Sure! said Mico. The campers lined up and took there jump and for those who didnt jump they would lose. Whoevers team has less jumpers losses. Only 2 of the FuriousFlamingos jumped and atleast half of the AngryAnacondas jumped. That means AngryAnacondas win! So if your on that team you cannot be voted off!

Voting Ceremony
Almost half of the votes account for Suzy, WHICH unfortunatley means Suzy is out! Who will be voted off next time? Find out next Penguin Drama Island 2!

Episode 2
Hello Campers! Today i thought i would have fun and do a one on one challenge between Ava and CoffeeCutie. The challenge is a paintball game! Now get a position in the forest and lets begin! The campers went into the forest with there gear and started. It was quiet and desolate but every sound echoed. At that moment Ava heard a twig snap and she saw Coffee aim her Painball Gun at her. Boom! Ava dodged the bullet paintball and shot hers which hit CoffeeCutie right between the eyes. CoffeeCutie your out! Who will go next time? Find out on Penguin Drama Island!

Episode 3
Hey Campers! Once again we are going to have a one on one challenge and this time it will be between TikiLiki and Ava. And the challenge will be a Maze, whoever can find there way out first wins! And to make things interesting if you do not find one of the two Sheep figures in the maze your out! So the campers set off. Twists and turns led to dead ends and new beginnings but just about 15 minutes later and halfway through the maze Tiki found a Sheep figure. But Ava had made it to the end and was out. Ava Wins! Just then Tiki came out with the Sheep figure and said. She didn't get the Sheep figure! Oh that's right said Sheep. That means TikiLiki wins and Ava is out! Who will go next time? Find out next Penguin Drama Island Season 2!

Episode 4
Hey Campers! Im gonna have some fun today! Two of you will be voted off in a 2 on 2 challenge! The challenge is a Sled Race! And the campers are Afvw6 and Kricken against Cheep and Harry. The race began and the two teams were neck and neck at the half way point. But soon it got bumpy with rocks and pot holes. At the moment Afvw6 and Kricken hit a rock and flew off the mountain somewhere that is unknown. Chef can you go get them? said Sheep. The race went on and Cheep and Harry crossed the finish line causing Afvw6 and Kricken to lose the challenge and the two of them go home. Who will go next time? Find out next Penguin Drama Island!