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Be Prepared

You can be from any country to join! We are a club based on having fun! We camp at /jr camp and tell campfire stories! You could be the best story teller! Our motto is "Everyone is part of a team"
The only rules are to follow the OldCP rules and wear the uniform when you can!

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: = Advanced Scouts: Yoyo, Cyberwolf (Cyberwolf owns my favorite CPPS, cyberwolf, it is a huge honor!)

:star: :star: :star: :star: = Hikers: Sophie, Choc, Roze, Adawg Cheers for being the first ones to join! One rank from Advanced Scout

:star: :star: :star: = Bear Scouts *earn this rank bye being active or doing challenges*

:star: :star: = Puffins *earn this rank for passing the quiz and doing a challenge*

:star: = Starter Rank *one more person will earn Hikers Rank then all new people will be this rank*