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A Movie Company

Hello, enjoy reading this channel!!

What Is 'PieEntertainment'?

Well it really is Pie Entertainment not 'PieEntertainment'l, and it is a Movie Company!

How do I become an actor?
Easy! Apply in PM, or I will ask you, you may also ask me too!!

Who owns it?
- Misteh
- XxLucyxX
- Melissa
- Chris321175

Do I have to record it?
No silly! You don't record it, Melissa will

When are movies?
Well, every time I'm making a movie, I will create a discussion telling you:
- Theme
- Time
- Date
Ect... Ect

So be cool and carry on!

Become an actor, ask Misteh in PM or on OldCP, ( if she is online )

~ Yours Sincerely Pie Entertainment Owner- Misteh :)