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A puffle inspired channel

Episode 1
Sheep and his four friends ran as fast as they could to the coffee shop. The puffles had become self aware and began killing the penguins.Rover had been turned into a black puffle and made a new team called the Black Puffs. The coffee shop door was locked! Please I beg you
let us in! said PenguinDSC with tears in his eyes. Key123 grabbed a puffle and threw it through the window and jumped in through the window.
The others got in aswell and barricaded the door. No one was in there. Hey Cyber we need water can you go scout for some? Said Sheep.
I suppose said CyberWolf.

Cyber made his way outside looking around for any sort of trouble. Penguins bodies lay dead on the ground with teeth marks and scratches.
Few puffles had died but hundreds of penguins did. Cyber made his way too the beach. But cyber saw about 7 puffles in red and blue fighting
over the arm of a dead penguin. Cyber snuch through the trees avoiding any contact. He was at the dock and had a filter in his hand to get the
sea salt out of it. The filter was full and the sea salt pured out the other end. Cyber took a sip and put it in his pack. One of the puffles saw him.
It ran toward him with horrid red eyes and sharp teeth. Cyber reacted quickly and dodged the attack and ran through the forest only to get lost.

Coffee Shop-
Key123 stood watch while PenguinDSC cooked the remaining croissants. Sheep ventured outside for food. He scuttled through the town and
into the ice rink. The ice rink had a mini snack bar. Sheep went inside to find Cheep hiding behind the counter. Hey Cheep we gotta go to the
coffee shop the others are there. And grab some food. Cheep got up and put a few boxes of snacks in her satchel and sheep put about five
boxes in his pack and two bottles of water. They made there way out only to find two puffles making there way to the snack bar. Sheep grabbed
the fire extinguisher and waited. He sprayed the puffles and beat them with the thing. The puffles were green and blue. Sheep and Cheep ran back
to the coffee shop through the back door.