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From the makers of RandomNewz INC, Comes RANDOM PRODUCTIONS, an all new Rap/Song Channel

Random Productions INC.

Owners: Freddey and Adawg

Staff: Fable, Bakon, Music, Matthewvacc

Also Check out our Other Channels!

Check out our BRAND NEW HOUSE!

Check out our NEW Xat Box!



and a New Talk show called: Adawg Talk! Link for first talk show:

How did RandomProductions start?

RandomProductions was born on 11/14/2014 when Adawg and Freddy were hungry to give the people more entertainment. After RandomNewz shut down (We are rebuilding it), we wanted to start making music! We will post our newest Song Lyrics on here!

You still want some Randomness? If you haven't already subscribe to #RandomNewz we will resume it in a few months.

The Real Slim Fred Dawg.

Lyrics (still working on it): Y'all act like you never seen adawg before all on the tree house like crazy just burst in the door And started rapping worse than before It was first wierd, Screaming like a maniac It's the return of the... "Ah, wait, no way, you're kidding, He didn't just say what I think he did, did he?"Adawg said... AYO WOAHWOAHHAHAH. Cuz Im slim Dawgy yes im the real Dawgy all you other Dawgy's are just irritating so wont the real Dawgy please stand up Please stand up Please stand up (x2) Will Freddy act berzerk in his raps to sell records; Well I do, and SO YA You think that I care if I have one subscribe? Half of you people can't even record like me, l will just do randomnewz with adawg "But fred dawg shady, what if you have no music on randomnewz wouldn't it suck?"
"Yeah it would but I would turn around and say enough. I'm only joking with you, Things you joke about with your friends inside the tree house, But there are some things you cant joke about such as killing a wee mouse..Cuz Im slim Dawgy yes im the real Dawgy all you other Dawgy's are just irritating so wont the real Dawgy please stand up Please stand up Please stand up. The only difference is I got the tails to say it, But you don't since your too.scared to spray it, Snails get your afros, Fred dawg will show you how it goes!I'm slim dawgy yes I'm the real dawgy all you other dawgys are just irritating so won't the real slim Fred dawg please stand up please stand up......... YO FRED ITS THE POPO! LETS GET OUTTA HERE ADAWG!!

The Turncoats-(Remix of The Monster)

Im friends with the Turncoat thats under my bed, get along with the hate inside of our heads, your tryna kill us, stop wasting bullets. You think we're crazy, yea you think we're crazy. I wanted revenge but nothin' covered DSGHQ oh well, guess they can be choosy, wanted to receive attention for my lyrics, wanted to be left alone users excuse me. This trial made me a balloon, cuz my ego inflated, Damen thought it was confusing, but all I wanted to be was the Rover of the new week. Abused ranks, hit the dump oo wee, but what I gave up was bitter-sweet like they wanted to use me, Ironic because I think I'm beginning to lose sleep, one trial two trial, Im actually nicer than you think. I'm friends with the Turncoat thats under my bed, get along with the hate inside of our heads, you tryna kill us, stop wasting bullets. You think we're crazy, yea you think we're crazy, BUT THATS NOT FAIR! Now I ain't much of a turncoat, but I know someone once told me to forgive and forget, and cease friendship dont squander it, because you'll never know when It'll be gone tomorrow, sometimes I keep track of how many times I commited treason, (yeah what do you want from us, you say we're losing our minds, we're your enemies) YODODOLEYHEHOO I think its bout time we just ran to conflict, because I need an interventionist to interveen between me and this turncoat, to save myself from getting killed and conflict, because I will lose whatever rank I got, our OCD's concking us in our heads, nobodies home, just sleep walking, just relay to what the hate in our head says, just shoot the message, IM FRIENDS WIT THE TURNCOAT, THATS UNDER MY BED, GET ALONG WITH THE HATE INSIDE OF OUR HEADS, YOU TRYNA KILL US, STOP WASTIN BULLETS, AND YOU THINK WE'RE CRAZY YAH YOU THINK WE'RE CRAZY, WELL THATS NOT FAIR! One day I had this vision, that I will walk amongst you a regular penguin, but until then I'll be sittin in crypts waitin, TO EARN BACK, WHAT I WAS GIVIN, I AINT HERE TO SAVE THE CHILDREN, BUT IF ONE USER, OUT OF A HUNDRED MILLION, IS GOING THROUGH THE STRUGGLE WE CAN RELATE THATS GREAT, PLAY BACK, TO THE TRIAL, I WILL WIN, ADAWG AND FRED IN THE GARBAGE BIN, WE WE'RE TURNCOATS FOR REAL, BUT WE'RE OK WITH THAT, its nothing we're just: FRIENDS WITH THE TURNCOAT THATS UNDER OUR BED, GET ALONG WITH THE HATE INSIDE OF OUR HEAD, YOU TRYNA KILL US, STOP WASTIN BULLETS, AND YOU THINK WE'RE CRAZY YEAH YOU THINK WE'RE CRAZY, WELL THATS NOT FAIR!!! WELL THATS NOT FAIR!!!!

Thanks guys!

~Dawg and Fred