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Sheeps Gaming Central

Area B-2 (Game)

Hello! Today and for the last month I have been constructing a new single player 3-D platform game called Area B-2 and in area B-2 you are taking a tour of the building when you come upon the 'testing room' where there are three large jars each bigger than yourself and they are filled with a jelly lke substance and a alien is within each one. Your objective is to get everyone out of the bulding but when you go back t the room one is missing but each time you look for it another one laves until all three are gone. You are equipped with a flashlight and pistol.

Five Nights at Freddy's (Game) (Minecraft)

Hello! Today I have been constructing a server called Five Nights at Freddy's and this game is going to take a while until I can figure out to make mobs quit spawning in dark rooms and make bots that resemble the bear, the duck and the fox. There are some different things about my version that is different. One you can actually move room to room and check on the bots but you must leave the room for them to move to a different location. Two is that the fox will be the on who moves around most often. Previews will probably not be sent in for another week or so.