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We will always reach the end Is what they say But we reach it with honor and responsibility

Team SkyNet - Arrives To OldCp!

Skynet has just came to OldCp and is gonna stay here for ever we strike to succeed the honor of OldCp and a honor of being in the Mod Comp. Like i alway's say To reach something isent always about getting it it's about making sure you can get there if we can't at least we tried our best at reaching our goal! We are in need of players and so on for the Mod Comp And that is why we are here these fine days recruiting new comers to skynet hope to see people join the skynet in-game team community and Skynet member's will be always and ready for the mod comp!(;

Leader And Founder Of Skynet- Toast
Co-Leader Of Skynet- In need.
Admin Of Skynet- In need
Member Clothes Requirements- Coming Later Today
*Member's List* Each person will be added once joined!- Adding Names Soon!

SkyNet has has arrived to OldCp!
Everyone is welcome to be apart of the SkyNet In-Game Team Mod Competition!
That is all Leader And Founder Of SkyNet -Toast