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A channel based off of Starbucks.

Are you a Starbucks lover?

Then this is the right channel for you!

Starbucks is a place where you can get coffee, pastries, etc. There are many locations for it, depending where you live. Some types of coffee you can get there is:

-Tiramisu Latte—signature espresso, freshly steamed milk, creamy mascarpone flavor and a delicate dusting of rich cocoa powder.

-Caramel Flan Latte—steamed milk and caramel flavors of creamy flan topped with caramel-infused whipped cream and caramel flan flavored drizzle.

-Caffè Vanilla Frappuccino Blended Coffee-roast coffee and vanilla bean powder, blended with milk and ice, topped with whipped cream.

-Caramel Flan Frappuccino Blended Coffee-coffee blended with caramel flan flavored syrup, milk and ice. Topped with caramel-infused whipped cream and caramel flan drizzle.

Well, those are only a few. There is many more that are hard to name and describe.

I really hoped you liked this channel.

If YOU are a Starbucks lover, subscribe to this channel!!

Thanks, Bye!