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Starwolf is one of the many hard working users among this community, but she stands out to me. She helps so many people this is truly dedicated to her.

Hello, Sorry the discussion was suppose to say 'Starwolf4ForumModerator!

Dedicated To: Starwolf

Suggesting For the Rank of: Moderator

Reasons Why:

Starwolf never fails to honour the DSGHQ. She never fails to help anyone and everyone. She never gives up on anything, that shows me she is loyal. Her words inspire me, and many. She is so loyal to us I can't even believe it. Starwolf is so unique,different,fun, and intelligent. Never in my time here have I seen such a user that actually stayed along through everything thick and thin. She is so sweet,kind,heart warming, and loyal we need a staff member like that. She cares about us and the users as a whole she never favors anyone. She is willing to get her point out there and it's so inspiring to me I just am mind blown. If anyone deserves the rank it's personally Starwolf she has what it takes and after watching her succeed I believe it's time that I make my point clear.

Extra Reasons:

-She never gives up.
-She is loyal to all of us.
-She cares about the DSGHQ.
-She is highly trusted.
-She is different, I like different!
-I love how willing she is to get her hands dirty.
-She's came a long way from where she started... *claps*
-I love how eager she is to help anyone and everyone it's inspiring to watch.

Subscribe to this channel if you totally agree!

(This discussion holds no favoritism.)

~Signed, Sadie~