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He was just a Penguin until he got Bitten by a penguin.

Series 1: (Made By Me)
The Adventures Of Penguin Penguin!

He was just a penguin...............Until he was bitten by a penguin!!!
BOOM!, POW! Wam!, Mittens!

Chapter 1: Emperor Regent Damen of RocketSnail
One day there was a boy named Gamer he decided to show up to the thrones of Rocket Snail, it seemed Emperor Damen was expecting him. Emperor Damen said, "Hello Young Gamer i've been expecting you." Gamer says, "Why?" He asked. Emperor Damen said "Morgoth is back and i want you to go after him go to the forest and find Queen Chelsey she will guide you to your way." Gamer says, "Uh Ok i guess il see you later when i get back."

Chapter 2: Queen Chelsey
Gamer walked into the forest but it was so creepy and stinky and had all skunk stink but then he saw some People who were in the trees there names were, Chucker321, Harrypot9, Tacofun, Bob and Minty. Suddenly they pinned Gamer to the floor and tied him up! Gamer screamed ahhh! "Hey Let me go!" Minty said "Oops sorry Sir Gamer we thought you were Morgoth you may go." Gamer said, "Well shame on you for attacking a Sir." So Gamer walked on into the woods he bumped into a Queen her name was Chelsey she said "Oh dear who are you?" Gamer said, "I am sir gamer on my quest to defeat Morgoth" Chelsey said, "Well follow me Sir Gamer" Gamer's Eyes blinked. So he followed queen chelsey. They went past the oldcp jail cell where Clegane was sent for committing treason" Gamer said, "Gulp are we near yet?" Queen Chelsey said "Just wait here." Gamer said "Ok?" So queen chelsey went to pick out some flowers But suddenly a penguin came and bit Gamer! Gamer screamed! HELP! HELP! HELP! But suddenly There was quiet gamer didnt yell. He felt powerful like nothing before it felt like he had the power of the Emperor. Gamer decided to change his name to.....Penguin Penguin Since he was bitten by another penguin there was a penguins power inside him so Gamer was acctualy 2 penguins now. He had the power to defeat morgoth. Suddenly Chelsey came running back she said "Well come on then Sugar!" Gamer Blinked 3 times "Sugar? Why are u calling me sugar?" Chelsey said "Aw dont be such a sugar im just saying it because u look cute when you blink" So they went on but they bumped into a person named Terry91 "OOPS We are so sorry Terry" Terry said "Its okay but where are you going?" Gamer says "To find Morgoth and take him down once and for all." Terry91 said, "Can i help you defeat him?" Gamer said, "Yes u have been my best friend forever you have known me for 55 years my chap." So everyone walked on they were near to Morgoths Lair but they bumped into someone named Lord Cyberwolf! Cyberwolf said, "Oh dear watch were your going oh i know you your Sir Gamer and Terry91 your going to fight morgoth i see if so can i come?" Gamer said, "Er Okay lets go!"

Chapter 3: Morgoth's Lair

Everyone went to Morgoths lair they were stuck outside Chelsey said she had to leave and run back to Emperor Regent Damen of rocket snail to tell him that were at Morgoth's lair. So we jumped in the window and ran to Morgoths throne room. There he was Sitting in the shadow throne. Morgoth says, "Well well well Look who it is? Gamer, Terry91, And Lord Cyberwolf of the watch. Come to get me again?" They all said YES We are here to defeat you once and for all. Gamer said, "Terry quick smash Morgoth's shadow throne so he can not claim shadow powers from it And Lord Cyberwolf Go after his henchmen!" So they all splitted up and Gamer went after Morgoth and said "Pathetic Morgoth you were warned once by Emperor Regent Damen of rocket snail And u didnt listen so we shall have to warn you again!" So Gamer unleashed his inner strenght at Morgoth! Morgoth said, "Nooooo! My powers you are draining me! Henchmen get them!" Morgoth had died he turned into dust but his henchmen chased after Gamer he was the one they were after not Terry91 or Lord Cyberwolf of the watch. Terry91 quickly freezed the henchmen into ice cubes and got a pin and smashed the ice cubes and they broke in half. Gamer was hurt and he was all drained out. Terry91 and Lord Cyberwolf of the watch healed him and Terry91 said. "Lets go home im tired of this Morgoth pathetic fool." Gamer said, Lets collect Morgoths dust and oldcp shall never see him again" The Three wise men said Okay! Lord Cyberwolf Said, "Guys im not sure we should be here this whole lair is gonna break in 5 minutes we gotta get out!" So the three Penguins ran as fast as they could the bridge was closed and there was a river! Gamer said, "Right only one way to do this Gulp Start Swimming! So they all swam away back into the woods. Terry91 said, "Guys Lets go home!" The other two said Okay.

The End

Series 2: (Also By Me)

The Adventures Of Penguin Penguin! #2

Chapter 1: Who Kidnapped Harrypot9?

It was a nice Morning after Morgoth it had been 5 months since Morgoth's lair was broken and Morgoth was gone. Penguin penguin (Gamer) Decided to go and find Mike96 And Terry91 And Toby and Harrypot9 if they wanted to play with him. At first Penguin Penguin (Gamer) Went to Terry's House to see if he was home and he was home Terry91 said he would love to play so they both went to Harrypot9's house to ask him if he wanted to play too he said yes and then they went to Mike96's House then Toby's they were all together. Harrypot9 suggest a game called Hide and Seek he had to count since he had suggested the game. Me, Terry91, Toby, Mike96 ran to hide suddenly when Harrypot9 had finished counting someone grabbed him and kidnapped him he was taken away. The four children looked for him. Penguin Penguin (Gamer) Said i wonder if Draken is behind all of this the other three penguins said Yeah we think so too lets go to his house immidiently. Penguin Penguin (Gamer) said Yeah sure lets go. So they went to Draken's Igloo Penguin Penguin (Gamer) Broke the door down with his new super powers he thought they were cool he was like 2 penguins now he had twice as much power. They looked inside Draken's Igloo but nobody was there so they decided to investigate. Toby asked, "Gamer i mean Penguin Penguin shouldn't we look for Harry instead of investigating? Penguin Penguin (Gamer) Replied, "Obviously i do not want to investigate anymore i want to find our best friend Harry maybe we could go and find Minty and ask him for help." The 3 penguins said Okay lets go to Minty's igloo. So they walked to his igloo but Minty seemed to be busy with Bob in a council meeting so we had to leave at once. The 4 penguins saw a secret tunnel and decided to go inside it and at last they found Harrypot9 He was held in a metal chair. Terry91 Ran to untie him but he was caught by Draken's henchmen and was jailed in a prison in a cell the 3 penguins couldent do anything without terry because terry was the only one with ice powers. So they charged at Draken's henchmen and started punching! POW! BAM! WAM! OOF! MITTENS! They freed Terry91 and Harrypot9 and so they were reunited again. Now Penguin Penguin (Gamer) said, Right we have to go after Draken anyone got a firearm? Harrypot9 said, well i found Draken's firearm we could just shoot him and get this over with? Harrypot9 tossed the firearm at Toby. Toby said say what why me? Oh i know i am strong i am a knight in shining armour. The other 3 penguins said, Um no we just want u to kill Draken and that's it. Toby said, Uh Fine. So Toby ran after Draken and shot Draken's leg. The Secret passage was going to be grenaded by his backup henchmen so the 5 penguins had to run. There was not much time left suddenly a hologram popped up it was from Emperor Regent Damen, he said You guys have to get out immidiently this tunnel is too unstabled for a fight but the important thing is you defeated Draken but his henchmen are gonna throw a grenade any second so run! So the penguins ran out and Draken was left inside with his Henchmen the tunnel exploded. Will Draken be alive will he survive with his leg shot? And will he survive in the tunnel from exploding?

To Be Continued

Shall be continued soon.

Characters Considered in story: Harrypot9, Draken, Damen, Terry91, Gamer (as in PenguinPenguin) Toby, Mike96, Chelsey, Cyberwolf, Morgoth, Morgoths Henchmen and Drakens Henchmen