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Team Sharks FTW!

The Sharks Profile

Team sharks are always trying for the win, they take part, even if they don't win they still have fun, they all really know what the word TEAM really is. They help each other and lead there way to victory. The captain is Luke. He makes sure they are trained professionally.

The Official Trailer

Join today, and score some goals!


None so far.


Luke - Captain, head of the DSGHQ Sharks.

More team members soon when you sign up

To sign up mail me. :)

Breaking News!

This is in New Club Penguin, but for OldCP, I shall remain as captain! :D

If your wondering what team we are we are Team blue, aka The Sharks. Team yellow are otherwise known as The Fluffies, Team green are the Space Squids, and Team red are the Hot Sauce!

Cheer Leading Crew

We need people who can encourage The Sharks into being deter-mend to win the game, it's not always about the winning, it's about the taking part.


We need a fine goalie, who can defend the goal and save as many as he/she can. They have to be a good sportsman and know what team work really is. If they stick to team work, they will lead us to victory.


We need players who are good at defending and tackling, ones who kick the ball and score goals.


We need the shark fans supporting our players, the more support, the more goals.

The team work as a credit, we have once had the trophy, could we win it again!?!?!?

Find out in the OldCP Penguin Cup 2014!

Listen to the Sharks official OldCP world cup album.