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Dedicated to Toby

As many of you guys have probably read, Toby, the Royal Jester, will be leaving the DSGHQ Community.
He said in his post: I don't feel like I'm "fitting in"
Toby also said: " I have been observing OldCP and I found that many of the Moderators are too busy playing dress-up and dares, and they all missed a crappy user bullying somebody else, and when one Moderator came close, they talked to someone else and didn't even notice that bully. This of course is not the only reason, but it is one of the most important because I do want to ensure that the staff ARE doing their jobs properly, because I want to the DSGHQ to be a safe place."
Nobody should try to stop him, after all it is his choice.
But even though Toby is leaving, this channel is dedicated to him for doing all the wonderful things that he has done for us.
He will be coming back, and I believe the date is undecided.
Toby is the Royal Jester. Trying to make people laugh is part of his job, and I certainly believe that he loves to do it!
Humor comes naturally to him. He doesn't even have to try.
Sometimes people may think he's crazy, sure.
But he's crazy in a good way. Knowing that he had self-confidence for a long time makes me feel really good and I bet it inspires others to be the same way.
Toby is the right person you'd want to go to if you're having any trouble. Even if it's a little personal.
He tries to understand as much as possible and gives you solutions, he's definitely the problem solver I'd always watch out for.
Sometimes, it seems like he's down in the dumps. But whatever it is, if he's happy or sad, he tries to make others feel better than him and puts them before him. He cares about others, more than he cares about himself, and I truly admire that.
So Toby, when you come back, DSGHQ will be better than before.
And even when you leave, there will still be a special place here just for you.

Goodbye Toby, come back soon.