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See DSGHQ users react to posts / moods / channels / secrets!


Welcome to the react channel!


Cyberwolf reacts to "Chelsey Becomes Emperor Helper": Cyberwolf currently got demoted severely, all the way to member. Chelsey took his spot, and Bailey made a post about it. And he reacts this way: "I'm quite happy that my good friend Chelsey gets to carry on the rank I once did, and I know that she will do great with it!" Talk about positive!

May23 reacts to "May23 Demotion": As like the react-to-that above, May23 recently got demoted too. But, unlike Cyberwolf.. React thinks May23 took it too far.
May23 says: "I am not doing this because of my rank. Nor any hate.

I am deciding to leave. I am not trying to cause drama but I need to let you all know. It is NOT because of my rank or any hate. I simply do not have any time anymore.

Its the best thing for me. I cant spend my life on here.

Goodbye, I had great experiences with you all."

But, React thinks it was because demotion, therefore she is trying to not upset the community.

Have any react-to-that requests? PM Foxehhh.
