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This Is A Channel Where Lily Talks To You About Random Stuff! Inspired By - Pewdiepie <3

<3 Est. 11/2/15 <3
Februrary 11th, 2015

Hi Ladybugs!

Today I'm gonna talk to you all about MUSIC. Everyone loves music (I'm sure of it), It's just amazing. It's my time to be by myself. My favourite song at the moment is "Centuries -Fall Out Boy". I think (In my opinion) one of the best songs ever. Also, have you guys seen Marooon 5's new music video for their song, Sugar? It's where they crash weddings! I think thats so sweet! All the newly weds were so happy, and were so shocked! It's always fun to see people with smiles on their faces. Anyways, today at school we have a group of kids come into our class and do a presentation. The presentation was about how we should make people feel warm, and welcome. All you have to do is smile or say hi to make someone feel happy. I think this is so great because life can be hard, and you don't know it. So in real life or on CP, always make new people feel welcome. It's always great to do things for people. Just one gesture can make one single person feel all warm and fuzzy inside. We're not saying you have to be best friends, you should just say hi, or smile. Well, I think that's enough for this Wednesday! Also, I hope you liked my first post on #WednesdaysWithLily. If you did like it, subscribe for more. Bye Ladybugs! <3 ~Lily

Wednesday, February 18th

Hello Everyone!

Sorry its a day late, but here I go. Im gonna be talking about my birthday channel. On my birthday channel, I have everyones birthday on it! For example; Lily's is 12 today!.