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*sweg not included*

so, 2dai

i wil show u how 2 be liek meh

and 2 hav sweg

but sweg commes nartually

so itll be verry hard



so first u need 2 b a guy


and u need 2 be nmaed drake

if u arent drake i wil 4ce u to chagne it

bcuz taht is teh olny way

nao u nead 2 look like dis

so u need 2 now hao 2 draw

as u can see unles u are blinde i tottaly droow dis


u shuold kno bai now dat drwaing wiht a muose is beterr tahn a talbet

aslo u need to look liek dat so folloow teh picktur

and u need 2 poot #hashteggs #evreywere #bcuz #it #is #cool

you also need 2 know how to do noscopes

play doze shotting gmaes like cod, blakc opps and ohter tings

do u kno y i put noscopes??

do you kno falconlover??

well, 2 b a drake you aslo need 2 worship him

make #noscopinginafrica yuor passwrod 4 evreyhting

aslo u need 2 be so chill

so i wil end dis here

