5,165 posts
Seen 16th December 2024
30th August 2013, 08:47 AM
Welcome to the brand new Community Board. Here you can post and discuss different issues by making 'discussions' and tagging them. You can also post on other people's discussions. You can format your messages with BB code, the standard forum formatting language.
It resembles a less broad approach to HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language).
Moderators can use the moderating tools to remove posts, ban users and warn them. You can also mail other people privately and edit your profile to show any details you wish to reveal.
Other features are coming here soon! If you discover any glitches, be sure to tell us by making a discussion about it or messaging me to tell.
If you need help, visit the help page where we'll add more help topics to help you out. If you have any questions, feel free to make a discussion or message a staff.
Remember that you can always make new discussions no matter what, feel free! This is your home!
Welcome to the brand new Community Board. Here you can post and discuss different issues by making 'discussions' and tagging them. You can also post on other people's discussions. You can format your messages with BB code, the standard forum formatting language.
It resembles a less broad approach to HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language).
Moderators can use the moderating tools to remove posts, ban users and warn them. You can also mail other people privately and edit your profile to show any details you wish to reveal.
Other features are coming here soon! If you discover any glitches, be sure to tell us by making a discussion about it or messaging me to tell.
If you need help, visit the help page where we'll add more help topics to help you out. If you have any questions, feel free to make a discussion or message a staff.
Remember that you can always make new discussions no matter what, feel free! This is your home!
30th August 2013, 08:47 AM
My new account Jorjas Star is not working, it says 'Penguin Not Found. Try Again?'
+1 by Dice, TerryDJ, OldCPHelper, TwentyTwoPilots and 10 others, -1 by Bailey, Yoyo, Bunny the Loved, Makayla101 and 1 other
5,165 posts
Seen 16th December 2024
30th August 2013, 08:47 AM
My new account Jorjas Star is not working, it says 'Penguin Not Found. Try Again?'
I think you're trying to access a forum account from OldCP. You need to register from the actual game to have a CP account, this is just for the community.
30th August 2013, 08:47 AM
I enjoy this chat very much because we get to individually say what we want to say in seperate discussions so we don't get mixed up with what we are trying to tell others. It is very organized and well put together. I appreciate Damen for putting so much time and effort into producing this organization as well as the establishment of Old Club Penguin.