30th January 2014

Ok I Wont leave!

Made by OldCPHelper in Introductions and Leaving

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Seen 2nd January 2022
30th January 2014, 07:03 AM

after reading a few comments that were heart filling i thought maybe ill quite when everyone else quits so i decided not to leave only because this site needs me and all my friends i will leave as u all know one must follow the currents of life for now ill enjoy myself thnx for reading!

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i am forever thankful Zeternal :)

♪ ♫ ♪
2,958 posts
Seen 30th December 2020
30th January 2014, 08:19 AM

This is very nice to hear, and I like to hear that we as a community want you to stay and make you feel better. That is what I love to see. I am glad you are staying, people leave all the time, and come back, while others... not so much. Also, this is in the wrong section. Moved to Introductions and Leaving.

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