2,224 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
3rd February 2014, 04:06 PM
Ogwan People! SkogwanBiterTheUnknown Here!
helping users makes me happy so I'm going to help users because I am sad.
This is the Damen Spike Games Head Quaters guide.
These are Damen's Websites he's made:
Penguin Isles (gone because of unpopularity)
SnailsChat remake (Gone)
Penguin chat 4 (gone)
Prava stickman
Fake It sherlock (new)
Falling toblerone (yummiest and download)
DamenSpike forums (Forums)
DamenSpike.com (homepage)
Xat.com/OldCP (chat)
Xat.com/Damen (chat)
Minecraft server (download)
OldCP is the best and most popular game.
They're staff. First three are admins. The rest are mods.
Prava stickman:
Prava stickman you can play on your own or multiplayer. Your a stickman trying to get to the star The key is this. Press the key on your keyboard and click where you want it:
Fake It sherlock:
This is a new game. Your the stickman like prava stickman but your jumping of a hospital. I do not know what the objective is though.
Falling tolberone.
You fall away from the sky onto earth off a platform. You can go on different planets.
Damenspike.com Forums.DamenSpike.com:
These 2 links. The first one tells you the members of staff and It goes to the forum: The second link makes you go to this website.
Xat.com/Oldcp Xat.com/damen.
Paste these links to your adress box and your are at a box of chatter boxes. and [/img]http://prntscr.com/2p98m3[/img]
Penguin Isles Snailschat Penguin Chat 4
These games are gone because people didn't play on them. Well they did but before OldCP came back.
Is a really good game made by Notch but Damen made a server for MineCraft. You need to dowload it.
Hope you liked this post !