8th February 2014, 12:52 AM
Well,well,well most of you have no idea what i am like do you?Of course you don't i have never really mentioned anything about me.So this is my very late introduction.Lets see sh'all we,For one I'm a vampire but i can guess you figured that out by the name.I like to do art and love to read.My favorite show is Doctor Who have you ever seen episode 1 it is I also like playing computer and xbox360.I also play minecraft with SnapShotCindy and I can speak Spanish and French.Spanish:Mi Nombre es Rogue.French:Je m'appelle Rogue.Oh and here is more spanish Hola amigos y feliz dia de San Valentin.
Merc with a mouth.(if anyone is a Deadpool fan)
the awesome signature is made by Thisismyname
the awesome signature is made by Thisismyname